All's Well at Family Health & Fitness Day

Health & Fitness Day 2013
Dawn Headings, right, gives a checkup to a Teddy bear belonging to Jose Leonel, 4, while his mother, Sonia Jara, looks on. Teddy bear checkups were just one part of Family Health & Fitness Day at Hermiston High School on Saturday.

Sonia Jara’s children couldn’t wait for Saturday’s Family Health & Fitness Day. After all, the event not only provided free health screenings, but it also offered plenty of fun activities for the whole family.

“They kept asking me, ‘When’s it going to be?’ ” Jara said. On Saturday, Jara made sure to make a stop at the Teddy Bear Clinic where children received a free stuffed bear and followed it through the admissions process of a hospital, complete with X-rays.

Brian and Jennifer Tracy of Hermiston also brought their two children to the health fair on Saturday. Kirsten, 7, and Austin, 6, each received a free Teddy bear and watched as they received their checkups.

Saturday’s health fair, put on by Good Shepherd Medical Center in Hermiston, attracted thousands of people, many of whom took advantage of the free health screenings offered. Among the screenings offered were blood pressure checks, colorectal cancer screenings, vision and hearing exams, dental screenings, cardiac risk assessments, depression and suicide screenings and skin cancer screenings.

“If someone took advantage of each of the screenings we offer her today they could save as much as $1,500,” said organizer Juli Gregory.

The Casey Eye Institute Outreach Van was at the high school Saturday providing vision tests to those who wanted them. The institute serves low-income individuals who otherwise could not afford to get their eyes checked. For some, Saturday’s eye exam was their first.

“One of the questions we ask people is when was the last time they had their eyes checked,” said Katie Coughlin, a volunteer with the Casey Eye Institute. “It’s not unusual for them to answer ‘never.’ ”

If a vision exam determines a patient needs prescription lenses, the institute will provide them with a voucher for a free pair of glasses. The Casey Eye Institute travels around the state throughout the year providing eye care to those in need. Last year, the institute conducted about 1,000 exams – all free of charge.

Hermiston’s Diabetes Support Group was also represented at Saturday’s Family Health & Fitness Day. Marian Perdas, the group’s facilitator, said her booth had a lot of traffic during the day.

“I’m starting to get hoarse and we’re only two hours into it,” she said. The group not only hosts regular meetings offering support to those with diabetes, but it also works to spread public awareness of the disease.

“There is a growing prevalence of diabetes in this country,” she said. “People are getting it at a younger age, so it’s important to get diagnosed early on and get help. It affects the whole body and we’re here to get the word out.”

Sharon Wade not only volunteered with the Diabetes Support Group booth on Saturday, she also took the time to get a first-hand look at the rest of the booths and activities.

“I think I’ve checked out all of them,” she said.