Area Girl Scouts Honor Local Volunteers


Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington honored three volunteers for their outstanding service to the organization.

Receiving awards were Tonya Wilson of Umatilla; Tammy James of 60 Minute Photo; and Stacia Miller of Hermiston.

Wilson received the award for Outstanding Community Supporter which recognizes exceptional contributions of time and/or services by an individual to local Girl Scout groups. Wilson is one of the original committee members for the Me and My Prince Ball, an annual formal/semi-formal dance for girls of all ages in the community and their fathers/father figures.

“She has always been very passionate about this event and what it means to the ladies and their fathers/ father figures,” said Michelle Kane, troop leader for Girl Scout Troop 51444. Wilson was on the committee for eight years before bowing out to focus on nursing school.

Kane said her specialized area was decorating. In the beginning, she made all of the corsages and boutonnieres – hundreds of them – by hand and created all of the decorations. When she started going back to school a few years ago, she continued to help with the dance by making the centerpieces for all 50 tables, and decorating the entry and dance floor.

“Her warm smile was also the first our guests saw as they checked in at the door,” Kane said.

James received the award for Outstanding Community Partner which recognizes continued support of time or services to Girl Scouts by a business or individual for more than three years.

“Tammy and 60 Minute Photo has been an outstanding supporter of this event and has been since the inception,” said Becky Finck, a member of the Me And My Prince Ball Committee.

Finck said James and her team come the day before the dance and set up two separate photo areas with backdrops coordinated with each year’s theme. For the price of the entrance to the dance, each father/daughter couple receives a professional 5×7 photo as a special memento of their evening. 60 Minute Photo is also one of the sponsors of the dance.

“In addition to her support with our Girl Scout service unit, she has also sponsored beginning photography sessions for the youth of our community which has been a success,” said Finck.

Miller received the Appreciation Pin, which is awarded at the council level which covers all of Oregon and the southwest corner of Washington. It recognizes an adult who has delivered outstanding service to at least one geographic area beyond the expectations of her or his position in Girl Scouts. Miller was one of only 10 nominees to receive it this year.

“Stacia wears many hats in Girl Scouts,” said Kane. Miller volunteers for her daughters’ troop and serves as the product sales coordinator on the service team, which oversees Morrow, Wheeler, Gilliam and Umatilla counties.

Debra Walker, a co-leader for Girl Scout Troop 51444, said Miller is involved in numerous Girl Scout activities.

“Stacia is also indispensable,” said Walker. “She helps with the Veteran’s Day dinner, the Me and My Prince Ball, Thinking Day, quarterly Court of Awards and various day camps.”

Kane said more volunteers are needed for Girl Scouts.

“We have girls interested in joining, but they have to wait for adults willing to help guide them in our program,” she said. Anyone interested in serving as a Girl Scout volunteer can contact Brandi George at (541) 667-9696 or e-mail her at