Armand Larive Earns National Recognition

Armand Larive Middle School ALTV broadcast
Armand Larive Middle School's ALTV has been honored by U.S. Education TV for the second time in two years.

U.S. Education TV selected Armand Larive Middle School as its “Featured School” for the month of May, a recognition prominently posted on the U.S. Education TV website.

“It confirms my belief that we are taking the right direction with ALTV and its web site channel,” said Robert Doherty, ALTV instructor and ALMS science teacher.

The recognition marks the second time in two years that ALMS has received this distinction. Of 217 schools represented on U.S. Education TV, only 19 have been identified as a “Featured School,” and ALMS has now been recognized twice.

According to an email from U.S. Education TV, “Our featured schools, teachers and students demonstrate key skills in utilizing the U.S. Education TV platform. We were impressed by your school’s U.S. Education TV site.”

ALTV was recognized in 2013 as the February “Featured School.” The following month, ALTV received the “Best Middle School” award, as the school that “best utilized the U.S. Education TV platform” at the Student Television Network Convention in Los Angeles, CA. Doherty and his students received $5,000 with the recognition.

ALTV, an elective video production class, regularly submits news broadcasts to U.S. Education TV. For more information, check out ALTV’s website.