Discount Card Offers Saving But Few Are Using It


A recent report shows both good news and bad news for a free prescription drug discount card available to all Hermiston residents.

The good news is those using the card are averaging a monthly savings of $12.93 on their prescriptions. The bad news is that few people are taking advantage of the discount program sponsored by the National League of Cities.

Despite the benefits, the program has not been utilized by many so far, according to the report. Only 42 unique users have used their cards to fill 91 total prescriptions in the first four months of the program. Hermiston City Council President Rod Hardin said he hopes more people can find out about the program to take advantage of the savings.

“This is a great program that helps any resident of the city, not just the low-income or elderly,” Hardin said. “And the best part is that Hermiston gets this benefit simply for being an NLC member. It doesn’t cost the city of Hermiston a penny.”

The NLC Prescription Drug Discount Card can be used by all residents of Hermiston and has no restrictions based on a resident’s age, income level, or existing health coverage. The card can be used at six pharmacies around the city, including Bi-Mart Pharmacy, Good Shepherd Clinic Pharmacy, Hermiston Drug, Rite Aid Pharmacy, Safeway Pharmacy, and Wal-Mart Pharmacy.

“This card helps residents who are completely uninsured, as well as residents who have insurance, but have specific medications that are not covered by their insurance,” Hardin said. “In both scenarios, residents experience significant savings on prescription medications not covered by health plans.”

Residents can obtain a free NLC Prescription Discount Card in a number of ways. They can print them from the city’s website or can get a card in Hermiston at Good Shepherd Health Information Center, Head Start, Hermiston City Hall, Hermiston Public Library, Hermiston School District nurse’s offices, Mirasol Family Health Center, Regency Hermiston, and Safeway Pharmacy. Residents can also visit the Caremark website to locate the nearest participating pharmacy or call toll-free at 1.888.620.1749 for assistance with the program.