Fair Taking Entries for Barbecue Contest


Entries for the Umatilla County Fair’s Backyard Barbecue contest are being accepted through Monday, Aug. 4 at 5 p.m.

Applications for the barbecue can be downloaded from the county website or picked up at the fair office, 515 W. Orchard Ave., Hermiston. Completed applications can be faxed to the fair office at 541-567-8115 or emailed to fair@umatillacounty.net. An entry fee of $20 per team is due with the completed registration form. A maximum of 20 teams will be accepted.

All foodstuffs to be judged are provided courtesy of Beef Northwest, Fiesta Foods, Cenex Harvest States, the Umatilla County Cattleman’s Association, the Oregon Sheep Commission, River Point Farms, the Oregon Potato Commission, and Blue Mountain Potato Growers. The grand prize, a Pit Box 820 wood pellet smoker, courtesy of Ranch & Home, will be awarded to the team entered in all four divisions receiving the highest score. Division prizes will also be awarded: $300 for first place; $200 for second place; and $100 for third place.

Questions regarding the barbecue entries can be directed to the fair office at 541-567-6121.