Gun Club Hosting Shotgun Trap Shooting


Shotgun trapshooting will take place at the Hermiston Rod & Gun Club on Sunday, Dec. 3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The event is open to members and non-members alike, and lunch will be provided by the 4-H Primer Poppers. Donations are accepted and all proceeds go to the 4-H club. The gun club is located 75772 Gun Club Lane in Hermiston.

For more information, call 541-567-1855.


  1. Not sure how this got on here or where the information came from. The Hermiston Gun Club is open on Tuesday evenings and Sunday’s at 10:00 AM. The club is open to anyone wishing to shoot – member or non-members. Members pay a lower price for their shooting. We only have food during events at the club and not every time we are open. The phone number listed has not been in service for several years. We have a facebook page with information, so check us out there and follow for updates as they occur.

    Thank you,

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