Head Start Offers Free Healthy Lifestyle Workshops


The Umatilla Morrow Head Start is offering a series of workshops aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles.

The series, Be Active, Eat Healthy, is being offered by Umatilla Morrow Head Start through its WIC (Women, Infants and Children) program. All sessions are open to the community.

The workshop activities include games, demonstrations, and exercises designed to give participants a chance for hands-on learning. There are also opportunities for gardening both inside and outside.
The workshops are being offered multiple times in Hermiston and Umatilla, both morning and afternoon, and are conducted in English and Spanish. Children’s activities are included and workshop attendance can be counted as Nutrition Education for WIC participation. Participants can attend any or all of the sessions. All workshops are free.

The workshop topics include:

• Enjoying Healthy Foods that Taste Great
• Quick Healthy Meals and Snacks
• Eating Healthy on a Budget
• Tips for Losing Weight and Keeping it Off
• Making Healthy Eating Part of Your Total Lifestyle
• Garden Time
• Physical Activity is Key to Living Well.

A complete schedule for the workshops can be viewed on the Umatilla Morrow Head Start website calendar. at umchs.org. Click on Parent Education Opportunities to view the calendar.

To register and obtain location information, contact Roxann at (541) 289-8850 or the WIC office at (541) 667-2645.