Hermiston School District Announces Vacancy on School Board


The Hermiston School District Board of Education is accepting applications for an open school board position.

Jason Middleton

The vacancy, due to the resignation of Position 4 member Jason Middleton, is effective immediately. The board accepted Middleton’s resignation and declared the vacancy at its special meeting on Monday.

“I want to thank Mr. Middleton for his service on the board,” said Interim Superintendent Mooney. “Thanks to his guidance and leadership, our board continues to support district staff to be able to provide the best possible educational opportunities for our students. His contributions are greatly appreciated.”

Applications are now available for pick up at the District Office, located at 305 SW 11th St., and must be returned to the office by 3 p.m., on Friday, Oct. 5. Submitted applications will be reviewed and narrowed down to a group of finalists, who will be interviewed by the board at its regular meeting on Monday, Oct. 8. The selected individual will be appointed on Oct. 22 and sworn into the office Nov. 5.

On Nov. 8-11, the board will hold its annual convention hosted by the Oregon School Boards Association. The appointed individual will be asked to plan to attend this conference, sponsored by the district, with the other board members and district administration.

For more information, call 541-667-6010 or email briana.cortaberria@hermistonsd.org.