Hermiston Sells Property to Ranch and Home

HCC 11-28-16
The Hermiston City Council voted Monday night to sell 0.43 acres of land to Ranch and Home.

The Hermiston City Council took action Monday night that helps clear the way for a new Ranch and Home in Hermiston while adding a small piece of property to the city’s tax rolls.

The council voted unanimously to sell 0.43 acres of land directly north of the Wal-Mart Distribution Center to Ranch and Home. The land will be used for truck access to the proposed 100,000-square-foot retail store.

“They’ve been working on the site plan and asked us to sell the property so traffic will flow better to the rear of the property,” said Hermiston City Manager Bryon Smith.

In order to make the sale, the council had to declare the property as surplus. Hermiston City Manager Bryon Smith said the property is undeveloped with any city structures and is not needed for future water system development.

“We don’t see a long-term need for this property,” Smith told the council. The selling price for the land is $6,565. Smith said the price offered identical to the price paid in 2015 by Ranch and Home for property purchased from the Port of Umatilla.