Hospital Employees Honor Shooting Victims

Hospital Honors Victims
Good Shepherd Health Care System employees recently honored JJ Hurtado, the son of GSHCS employee Andrea Bye.

The Good Shepherd Health Care System recently showed its support for the victims of the Aug. 18 murder-suicide in Hermiston by raising money for its scholarship program.

The tragedy took the lives of two Hermiston wrestling coaches and the JJ Hurtado, the son of Good Shepherd employee Andrea Bye. According to Nick Bejarano, director of marketing and communications for Good Shepherd, hospital employees wanted to help in any way they could.

“Many employees contributed to the Go Fund Me Accounts that had been created,” Bejarano said. “When frontline staff had discovered that the wrestling team had begun a scholarship program in JJ Hurtado’s name by selling T-shirts to help fund the scholarship program, our employees organized their departments and staff to get involved. Together we raised over $1,000 for the scholarship program.”

On Wednesday, Sept. 7, employees wearing their Long Live Hurtado T-shirts had an opportunity to express their love for Andrea and JJ’s memory by forming a human-shaped heart in front of the hospital.

“We want our community to know that we are here for you and with you through the good times and the bad and we will continue to be here for you along life’s journey,” said Emergency Room nurse Amber Davis, who helped raise awareness about the scholarship program.