School Board Takes Interim Out of Mooney’s Superintendent Title

The Hermiston School Board named Tricia Mooney as the new school superintendent. She had been serving as interim superintendent since July 2017. (Photo: Hermiston School Board)

The Hermiston School District Board of Directors have appointed Tricia Mooney as the new superintendent for the Hermiston School District.

“Ms. Mooney has spent the last year demonstrating that she has the skill set and aptitude to be our next superintendent,” said Board Chair Karen Sherman. “Without the anchor of interim, Ms. Mooney will be able to grow into the position. She has integrity, foresight, acts decisively and has the ability to make difficult decisions. Ms. Mooney has excellent leadership skills and always acts in the best interests of our students and staff.”

Mooney has served as interim superintendent since July 2017 when then-Superintendent Fred Maiocco was called up to serve extended active duty as a member of the U.S. Armed Forces. Maiocco announced his resignation last month after his military service was extended to January 2020.

“I am humbled to know that I’ve been selected as the new superintendent,” said Mooney. “The district has had many great leaders, one of them being Dr. Fred Maiocco. His vision and leadership allowed the district to achieve many great things and laid the foundation for improved student achievement in the years to come. I have big shoes to fill but am confident that with the help of our Board, administrators, and staff we will be able to continue down the path of becoming a premier school district. I want to thank the Board for trusting me to take on the reigns, and the folks that showed up at the meet and greet, and community members that have shown me their support these past two years.”

In the coming weeks, the school board will work with the administration to determine what the next steps will be to fill the assistant superintendent position.