Spring Chinook season extended on Umatilla River Through June 30


The spring Chinook season on the lower Umatilla River from the Highway 730 bridge to Threemile Dam has been extended through June 30 thanks to a strong return to the Threemile Dam. The season was originally set to close after June 10.

“After a slow start to Chinook run, the numbers have pick up enough this month that we can offer some additional fishing opportunity,” said Bill Duke, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife district fish biologist in Pendleton. To date, 2,400 spring Chinook have been counted at Threemile Dam and anglers have harvested 450 fish.

The daily bag limit will continue to be two adipose fin-clipped adult Chinook and five fin-clipped jacks. Jack salmon are less than 24-inches long. A combined angling tag is required for this fishery. Anglers do not need to record jack catch on their combined angling tags, but it is illegal to continue fishing for jack chinook once the adult bag limit is met. Unmarked (wild) fish must be released carefully and unharmed.

The Umatilla River from Threemile Dam to Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation boundary is also open for spring Chinook through June 30. However, anglers will find limited numbers of Chinook in this area as all adults currently collected at Threemile dam are being transported upstream and released into the upper Umatilla River.