City Hires Rivera as New Superintendent of HES


Hermiston Energy Services will have a new superintendent next month.

Hermiston City Manager Ed Brookshier announced today that Nate Rivera will take over the role of superintendent on March 24. Rivera succeeds Russ Dorran, the city’s first electric superintendent, who passed away in January.

Rivera has been employed by Umatilla Electric Cooperative as its Community Relations Representative for approximately 10 years.

In announcing Rivera’s appointment, Brookshier noted that in addition to business management of the utility and the city’s operational contact with Umatilla Electric, he expects Rivera will actively work on regional hydro-electric advocacy matters and water development needs affecting the city’s interests, and that he will be a member of the city’s economic development team.

“I’ve had the opportunity to work with Nate on a variety of projects and issues over the years and have gained a great deal of respect for his abilities. We are proud to have him on the city team,” Brookshier said.

“I’m honored and incredibly excited to serve the citizens of Hermiston in this position as we face the challenges of the future,” Rivera said. “I’m looking forward to building upon the great foundation the city and Russ Dorran have created. I’m thankful for the city’s confidence in me and look forward to getting started.”

Nate and his family make their home in Hermiston. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska.

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