Pendleton Man Among Newest OSP Recruits


Twelve Oregon State Police (OSP) recruit troopers, including one from Pendleton, graduated along with 22 recruit officers from other law enforcement agencies from the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) 16-week Basic Police Training program.

An OSP recruit trooper also received the graduating class’s highest honor, the Victor G. Atiyeh Award.

News OSP Recruits
Twelve Oregon State Police recruits graduated from basic training recently.

The “Victor G. Atiyeh Award” is named in honor of the former distinguished governor of the state of Oregon, in whose term of office the current academy became a reality. This prestigious award is presented to the outstanding student of each basic class as selected by their fellow students and the academy staff. The student selected must display exceptional professionalism by demonstrating an exemplary attitude and outstanding achievement in leadership, academics, health & fitness and survival skills.

Selected from the graduating Basic Police Class 344 to receive the “Victor G. Atiyeh Award” was OSP Recruit Trooper Kyson Culp, who is assigned in the Patrol Services Division at the Klamath Falls Area Command office. The other nine men and two women OSP recruit troopers graduating were:

  • Recruit Trooper Ami Angell – Portland Area Command office (Patrol Services Division)
  • Recruit Trooper Vadim Bogdanov – The Dalles Area Command office (Patrol Services Division)
  • Recruit Trooper Sherron Deberry – Salem Area Command office (Patrol Services Division)
  • Recruit Trooper James Eslinger – Pendleton Area Command office (Patrol Services Division)
  • Recruit Trooper Jacob Fough – Tillamook Work Site office (Fish & Wildlife Division)
  • Recruit Trooper Nate Harris – Coos Bay Area Command office (Patrol Services Division)
  • Recruit Trooper Michael Lopez – Salem Area Command office (Patrol Services Division)
  • Recruit Trooper Anna Lukiyanchuk – Portland Area Command office (Patrol Services Division)
  • Recruit Trooper Justin Morgan – St. Helens Work Site office (Fish & Wildlife Division)
  • Recruit Trooper Thomas Nelson – Newport Area Command office (Patrol Services Division)
  • Recruit Trooper Scott Wilson – Central Point Area Command office (Patrol Services Division)

The 12 graduating OSP recruit troopers, along with four other new recruits hired as lateral entry troopers who came from other law enforcement agencies, began their academy-based training March 16, 2014.

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