Children’s Rodeo Receives Donation

Chrissy Nelson (IMESD), Jill Ledbetter, Mike Ledbetter (Round-Up), Linda Smith, Char Surber, Karen Parker and Michele Madril (all IMESD) pose with the donation check from Let ‘er Buck Room volunteers.

The InterMountain Education Service District received a $4,000 donation the Let’er Buck Room to the Children’s Rodeo.

“We greatly appreciate the continued generosity and support by the Round-Up Association and specifically the Let ‘er Buck Room for students in Eastern Oregon,” said Karen Parker, Children’s Rodeo director. Mike Ledbetter, Round-Up director for the Let ‘er Buck Room, has organized the donation for several years.

The Children’s Rodeo is an annual event that provides children with special needs ages 5 through 10 years the opportunity to be cowboys and cowgirls inside the famous Round-Up arena. The rodeo happens on Thursday of Round-Up Week.