Good Shepherd Medical Center Welcomes First Baby of New Year

At 4:30 a.m., on Jan. 1, 2018, Hermiston's New Year’s baby, Jose Phillip, was born to proud and happy parents, Jose and Jennifer Escobedo of Umatilla. (Photo: GSHCS)

At 4:30 a.m. on Jan. 1, weighing 7.4 pounds, and at 21.25 inches long, baby Jose “Joey” Phillip Escobedo was welcomed by Jose and Jennifer Escobedo of Umatilla.

This is the couple’s first baby and their first experience at the Good Shepherd Health Care System Family Birth Center (FBC). The couple had been at the FBC since Friday when Jennifer’s water broke. As time went on baby Joey just didn’t want to seem to move in which case, Dr. Gary Trupp and the family agreed to a Caesarean “C” section.

Each year this special newborn is welcomed with much anticipation, admits FBC department manager, Kyle Furukawa, RN.

“Well, we spoil them, just a little,” Furukawa said. “It truly is a special occasion for our physicians and staff each year. This year, our New Year’s baby received a case of diapers, a cute little outfit, toys, books, dove bath for mother and baby, and a blanket provided by Coffee Creek Correctional Facility in Wilsonville – all in a decorative basket.”

According to a recent article in, the most popular baby names of 2018 have been revealed and baby Joey will most likely run across space names like Luna, Stella, and Orion, gender crossover names like Teddy, Robin, Carol, and Audrey, so called “bad” boy and girl names such as Harley, Quinn, Ronnie, Reggie, and Kato, bird names such as Wren, Phoenix, and Paloma, virtous names like Saint, Hope, and Faith, botanical names such as Ferne, Bay, and Basil, or names meaning wealth or money like Ottilie, Elodie, Rafferty, and Cash. Though other websites are predicting superhero and fashion-forward names such as Odin (as in Thor), Captain (as in Captain America) and Atticus, Jasper, and Wyatt. Though many of these trending names are based on what celebrities name their children and trends of most searched names from baby naming websites, while others are based solely on good old honest predictions.

Jose said he’s most excited about bringing Jennifer and the baby home and that they are both healthy.

Jennifer said she’s ready to celebrate.

“We both thought we’d have Joey before the new year and were discussing how we were going to celebrate – to be honest, I can’t wait to open the bottle of Martinelli’s that we have in the fridge,” she said.

Baby Joey is just one of the 400 babies per year on average that are delivered at the FBC. Services at the FBC include a comfortable couch and rocking chair, each room is equipped with a Jacuzzi soaking tub to help ease labor discomfort and caring nurses who have Obstetric Nursing Certification, lactation consulting, and support staff.

For more information about the Family Birth Center and to schedule a tour, call 541-667-3670. For information about birthing classes, call 541-667-3509. The Family Birth Center is located at Good Shepherd Health Care System, 610 N.W. 11th Street in Hermiston.