Good Shepherd to Assist with Health Insurance Enrollment


Good Shepherd Medical Center is offering a health insurance enrollment and pre-enrollment fair on Monday, Oct. 30 from noon to 7 p.m. in conference rooms 1 and 2.

The fair is designed to help those applying or re-applying for Oregon Health Plan (OHP) or need help applying for a private health insurance plan through the federal marketplace.

Bring the following information with you:

· Birth dates and Social Security numbers for all applying

· Employer and income information

· Any self-employment deductions

· Policy number(s) and plan name(s) for any current health insurance

· Passport or immigration information, if applicable

· Email account and password, if possible

There is no cost to attend this event, and no appointment is required. Call Holly at 541-910-5286 or email for more information. Good Shepherd is located at 610 N.W. 11th St. in Hermiston.