Hermiston Education Foundation Announces Grant Recipients

Front row: Hermiston School Board (HSB) member Mark Gomolski, HSD Board Vice-chair and Hermiston Education Foundation (HEF) Chair Josh Goller, Dr. Anderson, Kathryn Shoop, Rebecca Brainerd, HEF member Dr. George Clough, HSB member Bonnie Luisi, and Jordan Bemrose-Rust. Back row: Rocky Heights Principal Jerad Farley, HSB Chair and HEF member Karen Sherman, Interim Superintendent Tricia Mooney, Chelsea Geer, and Sean McClanahan. (Photo: HSD)

The Hermiston Education Foundation has awarded nearly $40,000 in grants during two grant cycles this year.

The following staff members applied and received grant funds:

Fall Grants

  • Dr. Beth Anderson, Hermiston High School — Funds for “Seussical the Musical” materials and set.
  • Ben DeCarlow, Armand Larive Middle School — Computers to be used for robotics.
  • Kasia Hoover, Hermiston High School — Funds for students to attend a performing arts cultural experience.
  • Chelsea Geer, Sandstone Middle School — Funds for materials to support Sandstone’s spring musical “Adventures of a Comic Book Artist.”

Spring Grants

  • Dr. Beth Anderson, Hermiston High School — Funds for theater students to attend a professional theatrical production.
  • Kathryn Shoop, District Office — Funds to create a lending library system to provide speech and language students with games students can take home.
  • Rebecca Brainerd, Rocky Heights — Funds to purchase alternative seating for increased student engagement within a specialized classroom.
  • Nicole Cimmiyotti, Hermiston High School — Funds to purchase mirrors for self-portrait drawing and painting.
  • Sean McClanahan, Hermiston High School — Funds to purchase percussion and bass instruments for HHS instrumental music program.
  • Jordan Bemrose-Rust, Hermiston High School — Funds toward a purchase of choir robes and stoles for HHS vocal music program.