VA Town Halls Set for Irrigon, Boardman


Jonathan M. Wainwright Memorial VA Medical Center will host town halls in Irrigon and Boardman on Tuesday, March 7.

The first town hall will take place from 10 to 11 a.m. at the Oregon Trail Library in Irrigon, 500 N.W. Main St. In Boardman, the town hall will take place from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. at the Port of Morrow, 2 Marine Drive.

Walla Walla VA’s Medical Center Director Brian Westfield will lead the meeting and provide facility updates along with updates on the Veterans Choice Program. Morrow County’s Veteran Service Officer Linda Skendzel will also be in attendance.These meetings are intended to provide local veterans a wide-open forum and for VA officials to hear directly from beneficiaries as a step toward improvement and to rebuild trust among veterans.

“Caring for veterans is a calling, and our first commitment is to provide veterans and their families the timely, quality care, and benefits they have earned and deserve through their service to our nation,” said Acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert D. Snyder.