2 Killed in Collision with Semi-Truck on Interstate 84 Near Baker City


A couple from Goldendale, Wash., were killed Wednesday morning in an accident on Interstate 84 near Baker City.

The Oregon State Police was called to the scene of a collision between a pick-up truck and a semi-truck at milepost 301.

The preliminary investigation showed that 1993 GMC pick-up pulling a U-Haul trailer, operated by Eugene Rowley, 65, of Goldendale, was westbound and passed a 2013 Freightliner semi-truck, operated by Alexandr Ciubuc, 58, of Tumwater, Wash.  The two vehicles collided, went through the median, and came to rest adjacent to the eastbound lanes.

Eugene Rowley and his passenger, Ellen Rowley, 63, both sustained fatal injuries and were pronounced deceased at the scene.

Ciubuc was transported to St. Alphonsus Medical Center in Baker City with non-life threatening injuries.

Both eastbound and westbound fast lanes were closed for approximately 5 hours.

OSP was assisted by the Baker County Sheriff’s Office, Baker Fire Department and the Oregon Department of Transportation.