$3 Million Returning to UEC Members Via Capital Credits Program


Umatilla Electric Cooperative members who purchased power in 2021 and 2022 will receive a refund in late March as part of UEC’s Capital Credits program.

At its February meeting, UEC’s Board of Directors approved $3 million to be refunded to UEC’s members, which represents a portion of the cooperative’s 2021 and 2022 margins.

The cooperative’s efforts to maximize efficiencies and control costs make such refunds possible. As a not-for-profit, member-owned company, UEC operates at cost, with net operating revenues (known as margins) returned to members in the form of Capital Credits refunds.

Refunds to members are based on the amount of electricity they purchased during the specified years.

For more information on refunds, call 541-567-6414 or 1-800-452-2273.

For more about the Capital Credits program, visit UEC’s Capital Credits page.



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