UCFD #1 Celebrates During Academy Graduation, Pinning Ceremony

Umatilla County Fire District No. 1 Academy graduates recite the oath of office during the UCFD1 Academy Graduation and Pinning Ceremony Friday, Sept. 1, 2023. (Photo courtesy of UCFD #1)

The Umatilla County Fire District No. 1 recognized 13 people during its 2023-02 Academy Graduation and Pinning Ceremony, held Friday, Sept. 1, at the Hermiston Community Center.

Among the honorees were 2023-02 Fire & EMS Academy graduates Adria Stephens, Karina Olvera, Dennis Bessarab, Austin Williams, Dillon Tucker and Reese Sheller. The district also acknowledged Casey Husk, Makiah Blankenship and Paul Diaz for passing their year of probation and recognized promotions for Lts. Wes Blood and Matt Lewis, Battalion Chief Matt Hodge and Deputy Chief of Strategic Services Richard Cearns.

Fire Chief Scott Stanton opened the ceremony by quoting Henry Ford: “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”

Stanton believed the late Ford Motor Company founder was talking about dreams.

“Have a dream,” he said. “Stand with it. Grit, dedication, hard work and following that dream to completion. That is really what today is about, recognizing some men and women who have a dream and have accomplished a piece of it.”

Deputy Chief Jimmy Davis regarded graduates with words of wisdom before presenting a video of them in action at the academy.

“You yourself have asked for the privilege to serve your fellow men and women in your communities,” he said. “When they are having the worst day of their lives, when they have no other place to turn, you will be there to fix their problems, ease their pain or provide them with the path to safety. “

Graduates received certificates, badges and collar pins, which some asked family members and significant others to fasten. Then they stood before the audience to recite the oath of office, led by UCFD1 Board of Directors President Ric Sherman.

Stanton finished the ceremony by addressing and presenting staff promotions.

“You’ve seen the folks who passed the academy and will begin their probation. You’ve just seen three young men who passed their probation and are now on their way to a career,” he said. “The next step is promotion. Whether they’ve been here for three years or ten years or longer. These are the folks who have stepped up.”