District Releases 2022-23 Oregon Statewide Assessment Results


Oregon Statewide Assessment results show students in the Hermiston School District demonstrated an increase in proficiency in math and science and a decrease in English language arts during the 2022-23 school year.

The Oregon Statewide Assessment is administered annually in English language arts, mathematics, and science. Students in grades 3-8 and 11 take the English language arts and mathematics assessments, and grades 5, 8, and 11 are administered the science assessment.

Last school year (2022-23) was the second year in a row of administering the statewide assessments since the nationwide COVID-19 pandemic.

(See Also: A Closer Look at Statewide Results)

In the Hermiston School District, overall student proficiency in all tested grades decreased 0.7% in English language arts, increased 0.8% in mathematics, and increased 0.5% in science.

Across all Oregon school districts, data shows an overall slight decrease in English language arts proficiency (0.2%), an increase in mathematics proficiency (0.6%), and a minimal increase in science proficiency (0.1%) for all tested grades.

Elementary Results

Grade 3

  • State Performance ELA (39.4%) Mathematics (39.7)
  • HSD Performance ELA (31.4%) Mathematics (32.6%)

Grade 4

  • State Performance ELA (42.3%) Mathematics (37.6%)
  • HSD Performance ELA (41.1%) Mathematics (37.3%)
  • HSD ELA Proficiency Growth from 3rd Grade (2021-2022) to 4th Grade (2022-2023): +8.5%

Grade 5

  • State Performance ELA (47.1%) Mathematics (30.7%) and Science (30.3%)
  • HSD Performance ELA (49.5%) Mathematics (34.1%) and Science (23.3%)
  • HSD ELA Proficiency Growth from 4th Grade (2021-2022) to 5th Grade (2022-2023): +8.8%
  • HSD 5th grade Science Growth: +5.7% from 2021-2022 to 2022-2023

In addition, the percentage of English learners on track to acquire English language proficiency at the elementary level increased 11.8% from 52.9% in 2021-2022 to 64.7% in the 2022-2023 school year.

Secondary Results

Grade 6

  • State Performance ELA (41%) Mathematics (28.1%)
  • HSD Performance ELA (44%) Mathematics (34.9%)

Grade 7

  • State Performance ELA (43.8%) Mathematics (29.6%)
  • HSD Performance ELA (40.1%) Mathematics (29.1%)  

Grade 8

  • State Performance ELA (41.9%) Mathematics (25.5%), Science (26%)
  • HSD Performance ELA (38.1%) Mathematics (14.2%), Science (19.8%)

Grade 11

  • State Performance ELA (46.2%) Mathematics (20.4%), Science (32.7%)
  • HSD Performance ELA (45.3%) Mathematics (16%), Science (30.7%)

“The results demonstrate that the initiatives put in place over the last few years are making a positive difference in student learning outcomes, creating even more excitement around the initiative and refinement work being put in place over the coming school years,” said Superintendent Dr. Tricia Mooney. “As I have said before, Hermiston School District educators do the hard work each day to make our future-focused vision come to life and realize a future where all Hermiston children graduate high school with the knowledge and skills they need to find success in their career and life pursuits.”