Commentary: UEC Urges Public to Help Protect Reliable Power


Editor’s note: The following was submitted by Umatilla Electric Cooperative

Umatilla Electric Cooperative is encouraging the public to sign a petition to protect reliable and affordable electricity.

Umatilla Electric regularly works with legislators at the local level, in Salem and across the nation on important federal issues. As a cooperative member, you know the importance of reliable and affordable electricity. Unfortunately, that reliability and affordability is at risk, and we need YOUR help to protect our power by signing the petition below.

The Lower Snake River Dams provide hydropower for numerous co-op communities. The White House is considering approving the Draft Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative Agreement which could lead to the breaching of the lower snake river dams. If this happens, access to affordable and reliable electricity will be jeopardized. Public power was excluded from these secret negotiations.

What does this mean?

If the Draft Agreement is finalized, energy costs will rise, the chances of rolling blackouts will skyrocket, and access to this hydropower will disappear. We can NOT let this happen.

We need your help by signing the petition today.

Tell President Biden you oppose this backroom deal that jeopardizes reliable electricity for millions of Americans!

Why Take Action?

Hydropower is key to ensuring reliable, affordable energy to our members. It is a critical, always available, carbon-free source of electric generation. As our nation depends on electricity to power more of the economy with carbon-free energy, we need more generating resources – not fewer. Without the Lower Snake River Dams, access to clean, reliable energy is at risk.

As a UEC member, your voice is critical in the fight to ensure our power remains reliable and affordable. Please sign the petition to urge President Biden to abandon this draft agreement and not leave us in the dark and exposed to increased rates.

We strongly oppose any efforts that would breach the Lower Snake River Dams and risk the reliability of our electricity. We urge President Biden to abandon the Draft Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative Agreement as it will have grave consequences and jeopardize reliable, affordable electricity for millions of Americans across eight states.


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