Hermiston Seeking Applicants for TRT Funding for Recreation Projects


The city of Hermiston is now accepting project proposals for Transient Room Tax (TRT) funds dedicated for recreation-based projects and events for the upcoming fiscal year (July-June).

The competitive grant program represents about 15 percent of 5/8ths of the Transient Room Tax collected in the prior year and must be spent on recreation programs and projects within Hermiston city limits. The applications are reviewed by the Recreation Projects Advisory Committee each year in June, recommending funding to the Hermiston City Council.

The total project fund allocation for 2024-25 is approximately $85,000.

Applications are available and must be submitted no later than May 31.

TRT funding criteria and eligibility:

  • Projects must be within the city of Hermiston
  • Applicants must have a non-profit tax status
  • Projects that benefit Hermiston through enhanced tourism, promotion, marketing, and lodging will be given highest consideration
  • Projects that benefit the greatest number of participants will be given greater consideration
  • Projects that represent a broad base of other support shall be given greater consideration
  • Funded projects are required to submit a breakdown of expenditures on how the funds were spent including receipts prior to reimbursement

Applicants will be invited to make a 10-minute presentation regarding their proposal on a date to be determined.

For more information, send an email to parksandrec@hermiston.gov.


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