Safety Concerns Lead to New Route for Umatilla County Fair Parade


To avoid disappointment, people are reminded that the Umatilla County Fair Kick-Off Parade is rolling into 2024 with a new route.

The event is Saturday, Aug. 3 and begins at 6:30 p.m. on West Highland Avenue near Hermiston High School. However, it will depart in the opposite direction than in past years — and then travel along South Highway 395 to make the downtown loop on East Main and Northeast Third streets and Gladys Avenue before finally crossing the highway and ending at Ruty’s Restaurant, 130 W. Hermiston Ave.

According to fair officials, the Hermiston Police Department rallied for the change. The new route reduces the number of police required to safely cover traffic zones during the parade, which frees others up to cover their regular areas throughout the city.

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The Umatilla County Fair Parade, set for 6:30 p.m., on Saturday, Aug. 3, will feature a new route. (Map courtesy of Umatilla County Fair)



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