Hermiston City Council Prepares to Update Mobile Vendor Ordinances


The Hermiston City Council will vote on changes to the city’s mobile food vendor ordinance at its meeting tonight, Aug. 26.

The proposed changes would reduce some restrictions around the businesses and allow more food trucks to operate within city limits.

The city conducted an online survey in May to gather the community’s view of food trucks and opinions on whether the mobile vendor license should be updated. The survey was completed by 388 respondents, and 71% said there should be more mobile vendors in Hermiston, while 58% were in favor of continuing some restrictions on location.

City staff drafted proposed rule changes based on the survey results, public comments at council meetings, and suggestions from city councilors. The new rules would create four types of mobile vendor licenses, eliminate the requirement for a distance between food trucks and traditional restaurants, and allow for development of privately operated pods of mobile vendors.

The proposed license types include tents or pushcarts (3), self-sustained food trucks (6), events (unlimited), and lunch trucks (2). This increases the number of total licenses available and creates opportunity for smaller vendors. Currently, three of the six licenses available within Hermiston are being used. Mobile vendors operating within established food pods are not included in these license requirements.

Mobile vendors would be allowed to operate on any commercially zoned property, regardless of proximity to other food-related businesses, but are prohibited from operating within the public right of way except during a public event.

The Hermiston City Council discussed the proposed rule changes at its meeting on Aug. 12 and will consider the new ordinance for adoption tonight at Hermiston City Hall. Members of the public are welcome to provide public comment at the meeting or by emailing cityrecorder@hermiston.gov before the meeting. The discussion from the previous meeting can be found online.


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