Futures Task Force Announces Photo Contest


The city of Hermiston and the Hermiston Futures Task Force is seeking the public’s help in establishing the area’s identity as a place where growth takes many forms.

One of the best ways to tell that story is through pictures. The city and the Task Force are now announcing the Hermiston Futures Task Force Photo Contest. The contest winners will be announced during the 2013 Umatilla County Fair when the Futures Task Force reveals its vision for Hermiston’s identity. Residents who submit pictures could win up to $200 if their photos are selected as the best examples of growth in Hermiston.

“Growth is the theme of the contest because growth is everywhere in Hermiston,” said Hermiston Assistant City Manager Mark Morgan. “The region features world-class growing conditions for a countless number of crops. The top-notch K-12 and higher education opportunities make it easy to grow your brain. The wide range of outdoor activities within minutes of your front door makes Hermiston an outstanding location to grow a family. Hermiston’s welcoming business climate, strategic location, and very affordable utility rates allow any business to grow and capitalize on the region’s assets. All of these reasons are why growth is central to the Futures Task Force’s vision for Hermiston’s identity.”

Pictures submitted for the photo contest should represent one of the following three general categories:

● Recreation
● Agriculture
● Culture/Education

Submissions for the Hermiston Futures Task Force Photo Contest should be turned in by 5 p.m. on July 31, 2013. Photos can be emailed to city@hermiston.or.us, or mailed to the city of Hermiston, Attn: Mark Morgan, 180 NE 2nd St., Hermiston, OR 97838. Mail submissions must be on a CD. There will be a $100 top prize, and two $50 prizes for runners-up. Residents with great pictures are encouraged to submit multiple shots because the prizes will go to the top three pictures, regardless of who submitted them. More information about contest rules can be found at the city of Hermiston website.

The Hermiston Futures Task Force is a group of area leaders that first came together in the fall of 2011 to find ways to improve all facets of the community. The task force has members from education, banking, agriculture, media, health care, law enforcement, retail, government, and many other backgrounds. Establishing and promoting a community identity is one area the task force has focused its efforts on.