Police Charge Hermiston Man with Car Theft


A Hermiston man faces several charges after being arrested Friday morning for alleged stealing a car on the 900 block of East Main Street.

Jeremiah Ayers
Jeremiah Ayers
Around 7 a.m. on Friday, Hermiston police attempted to stop a speeding vehicle near the 100 block of N.E. Eighth Place. After a pursuit of about three blocks, an unoccupied vehicle was discovered and officers found Jeremiah Ayers, 23, of 150 N.E. Eight Place after a short foot search.

Ayers was charged with unlawful use of a motor vehicle; attempt to elude in a vehicle, attempt to elude on foot, second-degree theft, and numerous driving infractions including careless driving, failure to obey a traffic control Device.

Hermiston Police Chief Jason Edmiston said the HPD has arrested Ayers eight different times on 37 different charges. He was lodged at the Umatilla County Jail in Pendleton.

“We have experienced similar car thefts and car prowls in this part of town recently,” Edmiston said. “As it is clear the residence Mr. Ayers is living at is a magnet for other like-minded individuals, this department will be taking an aggressive stance to include enforcement of code violations at that location.”