Volunteers Clean Up Oxbow Trail, Riverfront Park


Members of the Tour of Knowledge picked up and hauled away nearly 500 pounds of garbage on Saturday at the Oxbow Trail site.

Despite unfavorable weather, the volunteers gathered 12 bags of litter, four rolls of wire and old PVP pipe for a total of 483 pounds of trash. Volunteers who took part were Andrew Cooley, Michael Warren, Necia Evans, Nancy Duncan, Eileen Laramore – all members of the Tour Of Knowledge – along with Barry Trapp and Donald Lein, Jr.

The focus was along the riverbank and the area between Riverfront Park and the Oxbow Trail property driveway. They also did a quick sweep of Riverfront Park. Donations for the litter patrol came from Ace Hardware and G&S Tire Store. Domino’s Pizza donated pizzas for the volunteers after the clean-up event. Larry Fetter, director of the Hermiston Parks and Recreation Department, allowed the group to use Riverfront Park as a staging area as well as the post-event party.

The Oxbow property cleanup was sponsored by the Tour Of Knowledge and SOLVE and was held in conjunction with SOLVE’S statewide beach and riverside cleanup event on Sept. 28. All of the coastal cleanups were canceled due to severe weather. Cleanup of the Oxbow property will be ongoing and is part of the Tour Of Knowledge’s two-year commitment to SOLVE through their Adopt-A-River program.

Anyone who would like to help or wants more information can contact Eileen Laramore by e-mailing her at hermistoleo@yahoo.com or text her at 541-561-8979.