Hermiston Farm Fair Set for Dec. 4-6

Ag Production


The 40th annual Hermiston Farm Fair will be Wednesday, Dec. 4, through Friday, Dec. 6 at the Hermiston Conference Center, 415 S. Highway 395.

The Farm Fair is an agricultural forum co-sponsored by the Oregon State University Extension Service, the Agriculture Committee and the Hermiston Chamber of Commerce. Local agriculture-related businesses will be displaying their wares and services, both inside and outside the Conference Center. Agriculture-related seminars will be offered all three days.


The Potato Production seminar will be held all day Wednesday. At the same time, there will be a General Session seminar in the Altrusa Room. Thursday morning the Main Stage event will feature Cereals seminars which will cover wheat and corn crops in our area. Thursday morning the General Session will be held in the Altrusa Room and the pesticide Core Program will be offered Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. On Friday morning, the general Pesticide Session will be available for pesticide recertification credits on the Main Stage.

New this year is an Insect Identification Workshop with hands-on training. All sessions are free to attendees except for the Insect Identification Workshop and the Pesticide Core credit sessions. No pre-registration is required for the seminars except for the Insect Identification Workshop. Oregon, Washington and Idaho pesticide recertification credits will be available, in addition to CCA credits. A full Farm Fair agenda and at-a-glance agenda with pesticide credit hours will be available by mid- to late-November.

The Hermiston Farm Fair Banquet will be held Thursday evening. A no-host social hour will begin the evening at 6 p.m. and will include entertainment, followed by a prime rib dinner. Tickets are available from the Hermiston Chamber of Commerce at $25 per person.

One of the important aspects of Farm Fair is the tradeshow. This is an opportunity to present innovative products and services. Booth setup begins at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 3 and runs until 7 p.m.

For more information, call Kelly Schwirse at 567-6151.