School District to Host Community Input Meetings


The Hermiston School District will host a series of community meetings to gather feedback on the current direction and future of the school district.

The meetings will be hosted by Hermiston School Superintendent Dr. Fred Maiocco and Hermiston School Board Chairwoman Karen Sherman. The meetings will include a brief presentation, followed by an informal time for questions and answers. Three meeting dates and times will be offered:

• Tuesday, November 12, at 4:30 p.m. in the Sunset Elementary School Library
• Tuesday, November 19, at 7:30 a.m. in the Hermiston School District Office Boardroom
• Tuesday, November 19, at 6:30 p.m. in the Sandstone Middle School Library

All members of the community are invited and encouraged to participate in these meetings to discuss the future of the school district.

Additionally, the district is requesting students, staff and community members provide feedback about the district efforts through a brief survey. The survey is broken into two parts. Section A asks for feedback about recent school district initiatives. Section B asks for feedback about the superintendent’s leadership efforts. Responses will assist the district in focusing on those areas our community believes to be most important.

The survey is designed to be completely anonymous and take about 15 minutes to complete. By clicking the survey link provided below, all students, staff, and community members have the opportunity to share their feelings regarding the direction of the Hermiston School District.

The results from the survey will be shared with the school board in order to assist the administration and board in shaping programs and offerings that best meet the needs of the entire community.