Hermiston Industrial Site Could Get Priority Funding


The Hermiston City Council will vote on whether to nominate the Cook Industrial Site for special designation that could make it eligible for state funding.

Gov. Kitzhaber’s Regional Solutions Team has recommended that Hermiston’s Cook Industrial Site be designated as a Regionally Significant Industrial Area. Although the site has been recommended by the Regional Solutions Team, the city must still nominate the site in order for it to be considered for the special designation.

Currently, there are only three other sites in the state designated as Regionally Significant Industrial Areas. Sites with that designation have the potential for priority funding from the state and increased marketing awareness.

Also Monday, the council will hold a public hearing to consider a request by Oregon State University to annex approximately 168 acres of land on the OSU Experiment Station in Hermiston. If annexation is approved, the experiment station will have access to water from the Regional Water System for at least five years to irrigate crops on the property. Revenue from the water delivered to the experiment station will help offset the $1.25 million cost of extending the water line to the property.

The council meeting is at 7 p.m. at Hermiston City Hall.