OSP Investigating Diesel Fuel Thefts


The Oregon State Police is seeking information and asking to speak to possible victims related to an investigation into the theft of diesel fuel in several central and eastern Oregon counties.

The thefts are suspected to have occurred between May 2012 and January 2014.

The investigation shows that typical targets of the fuel thefts were heavy equipment, farm implements, and fixed fuel storage containers ranging from 50 to over 1,000 gallons. The thefts likely occurred in remote and rural areas including Crook, Jefferson, Wheeler, Grant, Morrow, Gilliam, Umatilla, Union, Harney, Malheur, Wallowa, Deschutes, Wasco, Sherman, and Hood River counties.

Any victims or persons with information regarding the investigation is asked to call Oregon State Police Northern Command Center at 800-452-7888 or email Senior Trooper Mike Mayer at MMayer@osp.state.or.us.