Wind Will Blow & the Snow Will Go


If Mother Nature has any more nasty weather to throw at us, it will likely be today before the temperatures warm up and begin to melt the snow and ice.

The National Weather Service is forecasting a chance of snow this morning and a 20-percent chance of freezing rain later today and tonight. Beginning Tuesday, however, the weather should warm up and any precipitation will be rain and not snow. The high today is expected to reach just a degree above freezing with a low tonight of around 31. The high on Tuesday should be around 44 degrees with a 40-percent chance of rain and a 50-percent chance of rain on Wednesday.

Rain will threaten all week as temperatures begin to reach the low 50s later in the week. By Wednesday, the snow should begin melting with a vengeance as warmer temperatures combine with winds blowing around 25 mph and gusts up to 40 mph. The National Weather Service expects the melting snow and rain to cause possible flooding in some parts.