Classes Focus on Retirement Planning, Investments


Blue Mountain Community College is offering a three-week series of classes on retirement planning and investment.

The classes are designed to help attendees gain the skills to estimate how much money they need to retire, learn how to create retirement goals, review investment basics, and more.

The series is being offered beginning Tuesday, April 15 and will meet at the Eastern Oregon Higher Education Center in Hermiston. The classes are from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The first class on April 15 will focus on investment basics, followed by retirement basics on April 22 and will wrap up with a class on retirement income planning on April 29.

The instructor is Rita Van Schoiack, a financial advisor who is owner of Blue Mountain Investment Management LLC. The classes are free and include a downloadable workbook. Advance registration is required. Please call BMCC at 541-567-1800 or send an e-mail to