Spaces Available for Dog Training Workshop


Bird hunting season is just around the corner. Are you and your dog ready?

Some spaces are still open in Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife’s Family Introduction to Dog Training Workshop July 26-27 near Scio. It’s open to adults, couples and families with children (minimum 9 years of age). The cost of the workshop is $62 for adults, $22 for youth and it includes lunch both days plus free primitive camping on the site.

This workshop is good for people who already have a hunting dog or who are thinking about getting one. It teaches how to start training a hunting dog or get the most out of the one you currently have. The workshop will explore topics including obedience, tracking, water, field and bird work, and more. On Sunday, instructors will take participants’ dogs through some training activities.

“Training begins with obedience and ends with a dog that is eager to work with you,” said Mark Newell, ODFW outdoor skills coordinator. “We’ll show you how to get started and what these amazing dogs are capable of with the right positive training.”

This event is co-hosted by the Owen Denny chapter of Pheasants Forever, Queener Ridge Pheasant Company, the Green Valley Hunting and Retrieving Club and ODFW.