Stanfield PD Receives Report of Cougar Sighting


The Stanfield Police Department have notified the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife of a possible cougar sighting on Tuesday.

Stanfield Police Chief Bryon Zumwalt said the police department received a report around 2:21 p.m. of a cougar walking in a pasture off Highway 395 toward Feedville.

“We responded and canvassed the area in a four-wheel-drive SUV and couldn’t come up with anything, so we did refer it to the wildlife officer for further investigation,” Zumwalt.

According to the ODFW, Oregon is home to more than 5,000 cougars, which are territorial animals and maintain home ranges of up to 100 miles.

ODFW offers the following tips relating to cougars:

If Yyou Live in Cougar Country
• Learn your neighborhood. Be aware of any wildlife corridors or places where deer or elk concentrate.
• Walk pets during the day and keep them on a leash.
• Keep pets indoors at dawn and dusk. Shelter them for the night.
• Feed pets indoors.
• Don’t leave food and garbage outside.
• Use animal-proof garbage cans if necessary.
• Remove heavy brush from near the house and play areas.
• Install motion-activated light outdoors along walkways and driveways.
• Be more cautious at dawn and dusk when cougars are most active.
• Do not feed any wildlife. By attracting other wildlife, you may attract a cougar.
• Keep areas around bird feeders clean.
• Deer-proof your garden and yard with nets, lights, fencing.
• Fence and shelter livestock. Move them to sheds or barns at night.

If You Encounter a Cougar
• Cougars often will retreat if given the opportunity. Leave the animal a way to escape.
• Stay calm and stand your ground.
• Maintain direct eye contact.
• Pick up children, but do so without bending down or turning your back on the cougar.
• Back away slowly.
• Do not run. Running triggers a chase response in cougars, which could lead to an attack.
• Raise your voice and speak firmly.
• If the cougar seems aggressive, raise your arms to make yourself look larger and clap your hands.
• If in the very unusual event that a cougar attacks you, fight back with rocks, sticks, tools or any items available.