Council Cuts Hispanic Committee Membership by 2

HAC Membership Cut
With no one stepping up to apply for two openings on the Hispanic Advisory Committee, the Hermiston City Council voted to reduce the committee's size from nine members to seven.

The Hermiston City Council voted Monday night to reduce the Hispanic Advisory Committee (HAC) from nine to seven members.

Earlier this year, the council approved a request by the HAC to expand the committee from seven to nine in an effort to get more people involved on the committee and reduce the workload of existing members. But several recent resignations reduced the committee’s membership to six. In August, Jesus Rome joined the committee, but the remaining two openings failed to attract any new applicants, prompting Monday night’s decision by the council.

Manuel Gutierrez, who sits on both the HAC and the city council, said there was little choice.

“If nobody applies, what are you going to do?” he said Monday night. “You can’t force people to join.”

The HAC serves as a liaison between the Hispanic community and the city council. The committee meets on the third Monday of every month at 7 p.m. at Hermiston City Hall.