Spooky Fun Set for Halloween Night


Halloween is just a few days away, and there’s some local events to put some fright as well as fun into the holiday.

The annual Umatilla Lions Club Haunted House will be open Halloween night from 6 to 9 p.m. The haunted house is located at the McNary Fire Station, 305 Willamette St.

Admission to this after-dark haunting is $2 for teens and adults and $1 for children. Younger children may visit the “Witches’ Room” on site for some “semi-scary but not terrifying” fun while older siblings and parents enjoy the screams on the other side of the building.

Lions representative Cathy Putnam said the Umatilla haunted house as a fun event.

“I hope everyone comes out and has a lot of fun,” Putnam said. “That’s what this is for.”

Putnam also thanked the Umatilla Robotics Team, which has donated time both setting up and manning the haunted house.

For the youngest scare-chasers, the Hermiston Parks and Recreation Department is offering a haunted house on Halloween as part of the activities at the Hermiston Convention Center, 415 S Hwy 395, for “Treats on Main and Beyond.”

The kid-friendly action begins with trick-or-treating down Main Street at 3 p.m. then resumes “beyond” Main Street at the Convention Center from 4-7 p.m. Although adults are welcome to participate with their children, the Haunted House is geared toward kids up to age 12.