BMCC Choir to Give Holiday Concert on Dec. 16


Community members are invited to celebrate the holiday season with a performance by the Blue Mountain Community College Concert Choir on Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Bob Clapp Memorial Theater.

The free concert will feature a variety of holiday musical selections, as well as several soloists performing “Carol of the Bells,” “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen,” and “The Coventry Carol.” Featured soloists will include Bryan Walman, Sarah Pilch, Hillary Edwards, Cassie Hampton and Joah Mossman. Joanna Wolotira will be featured on the violin, and the Concert Choir will be accompanied by Myrna Van Cleave.

The family-friendly concert will also include a free poinsettia raffle for all attendees, as well as a sing-a-long.