Chamber Seeks Distinguished Citizen Nominees


The selection committee for the Greater Hermiston Chamber of Commerce’s 45th Annual Distinguished Citizens Awards is seeking nominations for those people in the Hermiston area that have made a difference and contributed to our community.

Award categories for the night will be: Hermiston Chamber of Commerce Man of the Year, Woman of the Year, Volunteer of the Year Award, Community Service Award, Fire Service Award and the Altrusan Outstanding Citizen Award. Nomination and criteria forms are available at the Chamber office. The deadline for nominations are Jan. 2, 2015.

Other awards that will be presented at the event are the Hermiston Business of the Year which will be presented by the Rotary Club, and the Mayors Award presented by The City of Hermiston Mayor Dave Drotzmann and the Hermiston School District Educators and Administrator of the Year Awards.

The banquet will be held at 6 p.m. on Feb. 4 at the Hermiston Conference Center. For more information, call 541-567-6151.