UEC Plans Line Upgrade Project for Port of Morrow


Umatilla Electric Cooperative will upgrade power lines in a portion of the Port of Morrow from mid-January to May 2015.

The $2.5 million project may cause congestion along Industrial Way Avenue and Utility Lane in the Port.

No scheduled outages are anticipated during the upgrade; however, if any become necessary, UEC will contact affected members.

The project is necessary to keep electrical facilities safe, reliable, and able to withstand the ever-increasing electrical loads within the Port of Morrow, said Robert Echenrode, UEC engineering manager.

Summit Line Construction of Heber City, Utah, will do the work under contract with UEC, replacing lines originally built in 1969.

Transmission lines (115-kilovolt) and distribution lines (12.47-kv) will be replaced with larger wire. All wooden poles within the project boundary will be replaced, and three steel poles will be added.

UEC is a member-owned electric cooperative that serves about 14,000 accounts from Boardman to the Blue Mountains.