Public Hearing Set for Proposed Gas-Fueled Facility


A public hearing will be held in Hermiston on May 14 to hear comments on a proposed natural gas-fueled electric generation facility in Umatilla County.

Perennial WindChaser submitted an application for site certificate to the Oregon Department of Energy proposing to construct and operate a 415-megawatt natural gas-fueled electric generation facility. The energy department has issued its draft proposed order, recommending the Energy Facility Siting Council approve the application and grant a site certificate.

Public testimony will be taken at the hearing at 6 p.m. at the Oxford Suites in Hermiston. Citizens can also mail, fax or e-mail comments before the close of the hearing. Comments can be sent to Andrea Goodwin, Oregon Department of Energy, 625 N.E. Marion St., Salem, Ore., 97301, or faxed to 503-373-7806 or e-mailed to