Chamber Luncheon Set for May 26


The Hermiston Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly Business to Business luncheon on Tuesday, May 26.

The luncheon kicks off at 11:45 a.m. Representatives from the Oregon College Savings Plan will deliver a presentation regarding its Be College Ready program.

Michael Parker, executive director of the Oregon College Savings Plan (OCSP), and John Valley, Outreach director, will talk in further detail about the Be College Ready program being piloted in the Hermiston School District this fall. Be College Ready is designed to help parents and families better understand the long-term benefits of higher education and how to reach their college planning goals.

“The Be College Ready program was specifically designed so that school districts, individual elementary schools and parent/teacher groups can take full advantage of the program’s resources with very little time and effort,” said Parker. “In order to be college ready today, schools and families need to be prepared for the financial realities of achieving a higher education; we want folks to know that we are here as a resource.”

The program, which will kick off in September 2015, will bring OCSP directly into the Hermiston’s elementary schools by educating parents about how to plan for future college expenses, motivating kids with fun classroom materials and partnering with local business and civic organizations to provide program resources that meet the needs of each local community.

For more information about the event and to RSVP, contact the Hermiston Chamber of Commerce at 541-567-6151.