ODFW Increases Chinook Bag Limit


Columbia River fishery managers announced today a change to the spring Chinook daily bag limit that will allow anglers to keep up to two adipose fin-clipped adult Chinook beginning June 3 through June 15. The new limit will be in effect from Tongue Point upstream to the Oregon-Washington border above McNary Dam.

While the overall daily bag limit remains two adult salmonids (steelhead or salmon), under the new rules both fish may now be Chinook. All other permanent regulations remain in effect. The two adult Chinook limit will continue through the summer Chinook season, which begins June 16. Also beginning June 16, anglers may keep sockeye salmon as part of the adult bag limit.

The increased harvest opportunity is a result of a new run projection of 271,000 fish, up from the original estimate of 232,500.