ODOT Replacing Sidewalks in Pendleton


The Oregon Department of Transportation will be constructing sidewalk and other improvements along the west side of U.S. 395 (Southgate) between S.W. Perkins Avenue and the Les Schwab Tire store in Pendleton.

The work will include constructing about 1,000 feet of six-foot wide concrete sidewalk, replacing the deteriorated asphalt walkway adjacent to the curb and connecting to other concrete walks added over the past few years. The project will also modify the U.S. 395/Southgate Place intersection. Intersection upgrades include curb, gutters, ADA ramps, sidewalk work, and other changes to restrict turning movements for Southgate Place to a right-in only and right-out only configuration.

The estimated $125,000 project is being funded by the state’s Quick Fix Program that provides transportation dollars for immediate needs along state highways. The work is expected to begin mid to late August and be completed by the end of October. No lane closures will be in place Sept. 16-19, during Round-Up week.