Deadman Pass Tunnel to Be Closed for Repairs


The Oregon Department of Transportation bridge maintenance crews will be constructing upgrades to the 94-foot-long box culvert used as a single-lane tunnel under Interstate 84, between the eastbound and westbound Deadman Pass rest areas at Exit 228.

The rest area is located about 18 miles east of Pendleton in the Blue Mountains. The work includes extending both ends of the culvert about 27 feet to address erosion issues along the edge of the freeway pavement above the tunnel.

Work is scheduled to begin Aug. 3 and be completed by the end of August. During this time the rest areas will remain open, but the tunnel under the freeway will be closed to all traffic. Travelers needing access to the opposite freeway lanes will need to continue on I-84 to the next full interchange.

Eastbound traffic can access the westbound freeway at Exit 234. Westbound traffic can access the eastbound freeway at Exit 224.