2 DUII Arrests Made During Fair/Rodeo Week


There were no motor vehicle accidents during the week of the Umatilla County Fair, but the sheriff’s office made two DUII arrests during the week.

The enhanced patrols conducted by the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office during the week also resulted in 13 additional citizen contacts.

The primary intent of these DUII/High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) events is to increase patrol presence in the community, and to prevent deaths from impaired drivers.

“The fair itself had no major incidents,” said Sgt. Joshua Roberts. “Most people seemed to have a good time and responsibly enjoy the festivities. Events like the county fair and the rodeo are often associated with increased alcohol consumption, so I am grateful that we had a safe week and that the deputies were able to remove drivers from the street that posed a risk to our citizens.”

These events are funded through a grant from the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association. The sheriff’s office is currently conducting another HVE event now through Sept. 7. The final DUII/HVE event will be during the Pendleton RoundUp from Sept. 14-19.

Report drunk drivers by calling 541‐966‐3650 or 911 if it appears to be an emergency.