Stanfield Salon Celebrates 10 years of Giving Back

Locks of Love 2015
The Main Stylin' Nook in Stanfield was busy on Saturday during its final Locks of Love benefit.

[quote style=”2″]Main Stylin’ Nook Wraps Up Decade of Locks of Love Benefits[/quote]

Local residents donated 725 inches of hair on Saturday thanks to Main Stylin’ Nook’s 10th annual Locks of Love benefit.

For the past decade, Main Stylin’ Nook in Stanfield has hosted the donation event for Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs and other hairpieces for children and teens facing long-term medical hair loss.

This year, participants donated 725 inches of hair for the organization during the benefit, bringing the salon’s total for the year to 3,425 inches.

Customers donated a total of 725 inches of hair during Saturday's benefit.
Customers donated a total of 725 inches of hair during Saturday’s benefit.
Customers donated a total of 725 inches of hair during Saturday’s benefit.[/caption]Ann Webb, of Echo, attended the event with a friend and was one of the first donors in the salon on Saturday.

“We’ve been talking a lot about it, and we’ve planned it since spring,” she said. “We want to give back, and we think it’s an important event for the community.”

In addition to free cuts for all hair donors, the event also included a visit by Rapunzee – the salon’s pink, tutu-wearing gorilla – along with children’s activities, food offerings and multiple vendors. A raffle – which included more than 50 prizes – raised $750.

Saturday marked the 10th anniversary for the Locks of Love Benefit at Main Stylin’ Nook, but it was also the last. Organizers launched the event for awareness, to do their part to combat cancer and to bring people to Stanfield. After 10 years, however, they are ready to help out another organization.

“We set out to do something, and we did it. Now we’re looking for the next thing,” owner April Kowalski-Milbrodt said. “I have a few things in mind for local charities, but we haven’t decided yet.”

Although they will no longer host the annual Locks of Love benefit, Kowalski-Milbrodt said Main Stylin’ Nook will continue to be a donation location for Locks of Love, and anyone donating to the organization will receive 50 percent off the haircut.

For more information about Main Stylin’ Nook, visit its website. More information about Locks of Love, go online.